Excess Egg Consumption Linked to 60% Higher Risk of Diabetes
Eggs are cooked and consumed in many different ways across the world. They are packed with high-quality protein as well as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, so they are undoubtedly nutritious. And yet, egg is often mixed up in controversy and debates about whether you should be eating them or not.
Previous studies have shown that eating eggs can lead to high cholesterol, following which nutritionists and doctors around the world started recommending you eat less of them. This controversy was partially resolved when recent studies showed that eggs have dietary cholesterol and eating them does not necessarily mean your blood cholesterol levels will increase. Also, the cooking method matters a lot and eating eggs cooked with butter and cheese is more likely to increase your cholesterol levels than eating boiled or poached eggs will.
Egg and diabetes
Similarly, the association between egg consumption and the onset of diabetes is a highly debated issue. Experts suggest that eating eggs can raise your blood sugar levels abnormally, increasing your risk of diabetes. The findings of a new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition might put any debates about egg consumption and diabetes to rest.
This study, conducted between 1991 and 2009, suggests that people who consumed one or more eggs per day - roughly about 50 grams of eggs per day - increased their risk of developing diabetes by 60%. Even eating 38 grams of eggs per day over a long period of time can increase the risk of diabetes by about 25%. This study, therefore, establishes a clear link between long-term and excessive egg consumption and diabetes risks.
Other potential negatives of eggs
While the study above indicates that too much of a good thing like eggs can cause diabetes, it is by no means the only side-effect of overconsuming eggs. The following are some other ways in which excessive consumption of eggs can affect your health:
- While eating one egg a day, as per the recommendations of the American Heart Association, is not that harmful to your heart, excessive consumption is still linked to a higher risk of heart disease.
- Some studies link excessive egg consumption with the risk of colon, rectal and prostate cancer. However, like other egg-related controversies, this one also needs more evidentiary support.
- Eating too many eggs in a single sitting or day can produce a lot of body heat. This can not only cause digestive problems but can also lead to acne breakouts if your body is unable to handle the heat.
- Consuming raw or undercooked eggs is also linked with a higher risk of salmonella and listeriosis, which are infections that can cause severe digestive issues. This is especially risky for pregnant women, who should only be served properly cooked, fresh eggs.
For more information, read our article on eggs.
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