Sub-committee investigating Health Ministry discrepancies to meet for the first time..!
The sub-committee appointed by the Committee on Public Accounts to investigate the issues surrounding the shortage and procurement of medicines will meet for the first time this Wednesday.
Chairperson of the sub-committee MP Tissa Attanayake says that officials from the Attorney General's Department and Ministry of Finance will participate in the meeting as well.
Other members of the sub-committee include MPs Diana Gamage, Ashok Abeysinghe, Jayantha Ketagoda, and Harini Amarasuriya.
MP Tissa Attanayake says that a full report on the matter will be handed over to COPA before November 7.
Meanwhile, another sub-committee was recently appointed to look into the irregularities within the Ministry of Health.
The sub-committee is chaired by MP Pradeep Undugoda and includes MPs Isuru Dodangoda, Wimalaweera Dissanayake, Manjula Dissanayake, Weerasumana Weerasinghe, and Muditha Prishanthi.