Students @ SLTC Padukka reach breakthrough in World Invention and Technology Expo Competition 2020
Five teams from the School of Engineering at the Sri Lanka Technological Campus (SLTC) in Padukka have secured three Gold medals and two Silver medals in the International Paper Competition World Invention and Technology Expo, WINTEX, held in Indonesia on 27-29 Nov 2020.
The teams consist of undergraduate and postgraduate students from SLTC. In addition, one of the teams at SLTC received a Special Award; a Gold Medal and Best of the best Award: Technology Category for their work on IoT.
They participated in the event held in parallel to the Indonesia Inventors Day (IID) organized by the Indonesia Inventions and Innovation Promotion Association (INNOPA), under the theme of “Ideas Meet People”. This organization recognizes the students & researchers making a difference in the world of innovation.
The five SLTC teams emerged victorious from more than 2200 submissions made in all categories from 25 countries.