"Stalled Investigations, Protected Rogues" - GL

"Stalled Investigations, Protected Rogues" - GL

Professor G.L. Peiris, Member of Parliament, highlighted the adverse effects of President's decision to prorogue parliament, particularly on ongoing investigations into widespread fraud involving public funds.

According to Professor Peiris, the prorogation of parliament has led to a significant halt in the progress of investigations conducted by parliamentary committees. 

He emphasized the crucial role played by these committees, with 64 out of 91 committees ceasing to function during the prorogation period.

Of particular concern are the six committees dedicated to economic matters, which were on the verge of concluding investigations into instances of ublic fund misappropriation. 

he Committee on Public Accounts, Committee on Public Finance, and Committee on Public Enterprises, among others, were actively engaged in uncovering and addressing cases of financial misconduct.

Professor Peiris expressed apprehension that the prorogation could be perceived as an attempt to shield wrongdoers and perpetuate corruption within the system. 

He warned that the suspension of committee activities not only hinders ongoing inquiries but also poses a significant setback to accountability and transparency efforts.

Furthermore, he underscored the logistical challenge posed by the necessity to reappoint all 64 committees once parliament resumes, highlighting the time-consuming nature of the process.