12 persons contract coronavirus after attending religious event in Raddolugama
Twelve persons have contracted the coronavirus after attending a religious event in Raddolugama.
The Public Health Inspector in charge of Raddolugama Suneth Ranaweera said that PCR tests had been conducted on the group on Monday (12).
Only 12 persons from among the group that attended have tested positive and they have been admitted to hospital, he said.
Ranaweera further said that family members of the patients have been quarantined at their residences. They are to be subjected to PCR tests over the next few days.
Four coronaviirus patients among the 12 have been identified as residents of the Raddolugama housing scheme, while the rest are from the Gallawatte and Muthuwadi Road areas, he said.
Health authorities have commenced contact tracing, he added.