5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Peanuts Every Day
You’re likely to find this nut in everything from your desi poha, chikki or bhel puri to cookies, brittles and even pad thai. And perhaps that’s the reason why people take peanuts for granted. Sure, they are as potent as walnuts and almonds but the idea that something as commonplace as peanuts could be a superfood often doesn’t strike most.
However, you should know that peanuts are powerhouses of nutrition and - funnily enough - not at all related to tree nuts. Peanuts are actually legumes from the same family of crops as beans, lentils and soy. They stand out because they can be eaten raw like other nuts, which is why you’re more likely to see them clubbed with almonds, cashews, walnuts and pistachios rather than chickpeas and kidney beans.
Peanuts - a nutritional powerhouse
A study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology in 2016 says that peanuts are a rich source of mono- and polyunsaturated fats, which are considered to be healthy and essential nutrients for the body. Being low in carbohydrates but rich in plant proteins makes peanuts a great source of protein for people following any dietary pattern. Peanuts are also rich in vitamins E, B1, B3 and B9 and minerals like magnesium, phosphorus and copper.
More recent studies show that peanuts are an excellent source of compounds like resveratrol, phenolic acids, flavonoids, arginine and phytosterols, all of which have immense health benefits to impart. What’s more, cooking methods like roasting and boiling increase the concentration of these nutrients, which makes peanuts even more easily adoptable into your everyday diet.
Benefits of eating peanuts
With such a powerful list of nutrients packed in this little “not-a-nut”, peanuts are definitely functional foods you should be adding to your daily diet. If you need more convincing, then here’s a list of benefits you can get from eating peanuts every day.
1. Aids weight loss: A study published in Nutrition Research in 2013 suggests that because peanuts are so low in carbohydrates and so high in essential nutrients like protein and fiber, they can help maintain a healthy body mass index (BMI) especially in children and young adults. You’re much more likely to feel full for longer after eating a handful of peanuts and this can also help prevent unhealthy snacking.
2. Improves heart health: The same study also mentions that eating peanuts is associated with better regulation of low-density lipoprotein and overall cholesterol levels. This attribute is definitely great for your heart as it can keep your blood vessels clear and healthy, prevent blockages and heart diseases.
3. Helps build muscles: A food source as packed with plant proteins as peanuts is likely to help gym-goers build lean muscle mass better. Peanuts are also believed to promote muscle growth and repair, which is why fitness enthusiasts and sports persons also eat peanut powder as a protein supplement.
4. Boosts immunity: There’s a reason why peanuts, despite being a little heavy on the calories, are part of the dietary approaches to stop hypertension or DASH diet. These nutrient-dense foods have various immune-boosting capabilities along with the ability to regulate your blood pressure and cholesterol levels better. The fact that even diabetics are allowed to eat peanuts should convince anybody that they can and should be eaten daily.
5. May prevent ageing: Some studies show that at least one of the bioactive compounds found in peanuts - resveratrol - improves anti-ageing cell function. Eating peanuts can therefore help prevent signs of ageing from showing up.
Precautions to note
It’s important to note that many people have severe peanut allergies and these people should stay away from eating peanuts in any form. They should also carry anti-allergic medications in case they accidentally ingest peanuts while eating out. You should also know that peanuts are high in calories and have a warming effect on the body. Overeating peanuts can therefore lead to an upset stomach. If you want to eat peanuts for the above-mentioned health benefits, then it’s also best to avoid peanuts coated with flour and spices or the ones that are deep-fried.
For more information, read our article on Peanuts.
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