Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you: Jim Carrey
At the commencement address in Maharishi University of Management, Jim Carrey gave a memorable motivational speech, infusing life lessons with humour the way only he can. “I am here to plant a seed today. A seed that will inspire you to move forward in life with enthusiastic hearts and a clear sense of wholeness. The question is, will that seed have a chance to take root, or will I be sued by Monsanto, and forced to use their seed, which may not be totally Ayurvedic,” he began.
Giving context to his own weary state, he went on to say, “Excuse me if I seem a little low energy tonight — today — whatever this is. I slept with my head to the North last night. Oh man! Oh man! You know how that is, right kids? Yah! Woke up right in the middle of Pitta and couldn’t get back to sleep till Vata rolled around. Crazy, but I didn’t freak out you know. I used that time to eat a large meal, connect with someone special on Tinder.
Because life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. How do I know this? I don’t, but I’m making sound, and that’s the important thing. That’s what I’m here to do. Sometimes, I think that’s the only thing that is important. Just letting each other know we’re here, reminding each other that we are part of a larger self.”
He concluded the speech with endearing smugness. “You didn’t think I could be serious did ya’? I don’t think you understand who you’re dealing with! I have no limits! I cannot be contained because I’m the container. You can’t contain the container, man! You can’t contain the container!”