Wildlife officials to launch a one day token strike tomorrow

Wildlife officials to launch a one-day token strike tomorrow

The All Ceylon United Wildlife Officers' Association states that wildlife officials will go on a one day token strike tomorrow (27) against the actions of Wildlife Protection, Adoption of Safety Measures including the Construction of Electrical Fences and Trenches and Reforeststation and Forest Resource Development State Minister Wimalaweera Dissanayake.

The strike action will be launched protesting against the action where the State Minister had threatened the wildlife officials to allow to build a road in the Polonnaruwa Jalagalum Valley Reserve and to allow domestic cattle to enter the reserve.

Speaking to the media today (26) Association President Prabhash Karunatilake stated that the one day token trade union action will be taken against the Minister of State for pressuring the wildlife officers to act contrary to the Fauna and Flora Ordinance and for harassing the department and the authorities.