Scientists discover one of the earliest galaxies; gives insight on the dark ages

Scientists discover one of the earliest galaxies; gives insight on the dark ages

From an ever-befuddling and mystic universe, scientists have yet again discovered some of the most riveting observations based on their years of research. This time a team of scientists from India, Switzerland, France, the US, Japan and the Netherlands under the lead of Dr Kanak Saha, an Associate Professor at IUCAA, Pune, have found some crucial information pertaining to the formation of the first galaxy and the end of the cosmic dark age.

According to the research paper published in the journal Nature Astronomy, Indian telescope AstroSat found evidence of extreme ultraviolet light from the galaxy that is almost 9.3 billion years away.

Further, the exceptionally high amount of UV light radiation, that has been supposedly found in the research, can easily ionise the hydrogen atom by liberating its electron form the nucleus while extreme UV photons emitted by such galaxies could have reionise the early universe leading to the emanation of first light in the universe, as cited by PTI.

That said, IUCAA in its statement has also hoped that this significant development could lead to the facts pertaining to the end of dark age and formation of light in the universe.

As per a report in ThePrint the new Galaxy found is named ‘AUDFs01’ and is touted to be located in Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (XDF). The reports also throw light upon the fact that XDF is the formation of pictures of galaxies captured by the Hubble telescope over the span of recent decades. XDF is expected to contain 5,500 galaxies which may be as old as 13.2 billion years or 13.7 billion years when the universe was formed.

AstroSat is an Indian space telescope which is a space-based multi-wavelength telescope and comprises five X-rays and five UV-rays telescopes that monitor the emission of such rays from the space because Earth-based telescopes fail to do so as those rays get absorbed in Earth’s atmosphere. In addition, it also has an ultraviolet imaging telescope (UVIT) which can image far and near UV light radiation through which this Galaxy has been discovered.

Primarily, there can be three subdivisions of UV light which consist of near-ultraviolet, middle-ultraviolet, far-ultraviolet, and extreme-ultraviolet lights.

This discovery has won plaudits for the Indian scientists led team form the international scientists’ community, as the most powerful Hubble Space telescope has not yet been able to detect such amount of extreme UV rays while AstroSat’s UVIT on the basis of noise detection tool could able to detect such astronomical phenomenon.

After such discovery scientists are very much hopeful that it would further pave the way to discover the early formation of galaxies, baby stars and the end of the dark age.