Special Disaster Management Unit Set Up For Elections

Special Disaster Management Unit Set Up For Elections

The Disaster Management Center has announced the activation of a joint disaster operation unit to address any disruptions that may arise during the presidential election.

This unit includes representatives from the Election Commission, the Armed Forces, and the Police, ensuring a coordinated response to any emergencies

In the event of an emergency from the start of the election process until the announcement of results, the public is encouraged to report incidents to the disaster operation unit. 
The unit can be reached by calling the hotline number 117.

Additional contact numbers for the Disaster Operations Unit are:

- 0113 66 80 32

- 0113 66 80 87

- 0113 66 80 25

- 0113 66 80 26

- 0113 66 81 19

These measures aim to ensure the smooth conduct of the election, safeguarding the democratic process and public safety.