Singapore court rejects request to dismiss X-Press Pearl case

Singapore court rejects request to dismiss X-Press Pearl case

The Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC) has rejected a request made by insurance agents of the shipping company of the X-Press Pearl vessel, to reject the lawsuit filed by the government demanding compensation.

The insurance agents informed court that the case should be dismissed as the London court has imposed a limit on compensation for the damage caused by the vessel.

The court rejected the request and ordered the insurance companies to file objections, and granted time till the 24th of March.

The case is scheduled to be called again on the 1st of July.

In the meantime, the insurance agents of the shipping company were given the opportunity to file counter-objections to the objections filed by the Attorney-General before the British High Court of Admiralty against the restrictions imposed on compensation for the damage caused by the fire and sinking of the X-Press Pearl vessel.

The Attorney General's Department said insurance agents were given time till the 24th of May.

The British High Court of Admiralty had issued an order limiting the compensation that the government could receive from the shipping company to 19.5 million Sterling Pounds.

The Sri Lankan government filed objections against it on the 29th of January.