Driver’s license validity period extended by three months

Driver’s license validity period extended by three months

The validity of a driver’s license which expires within 01st of July 2020 to 31st December 2020 will be extended by 03 months from the expiry date of the driver’s license.

Dilum Amunugama, the State Minister of Vehicle Regulation speaking to reporters on Thursday (22) said the extension does imply the renewal process has been suspended.

He said the renewal process of driver’s license was suspended taking into consideration the growing concerns over COVID-19.

The ‘Sisu Seriya’ bus service is operational across all areas to transport students to examinations centers, said the State Minister adding parents are permitted to accompany their children on the condition they comply strictly with health guidelines.

All SLTB buses are disinfected before and after each trip, said the State Minister.

He said on ‘Sisu Seriya’ buses operated inside areas where the quarantine curfew is in effect and the service will be terminated when the examinations conclude.