1959 vehicle accidents in April

1959 vehicle accidents in April


1959 vehicle accidents reported in April and 205 deaths. Highest number of accidents reported from the Western Province (768).

The highest number of accidents according to the country's road accident calendar, are reported in April and this April nearly 2000 accidents have been reported. 

According to police reports, the number of road accidents during the month of April was 1959.

205 people lost their lives during thsi period, life snatched away in their prime in most cases.

In addition, 1259 people were injured during these road accidents in April.

According to police records, the highest number of road accidents was reported from the Western Province with 768.

The North Western Province ranks second in the list with 238 road accidents in April.

Therefore over 50 percent of the total number of road accidents in the country during the month of April has occurred in the Western and North Western Provinces, according to Police Media Spokesman DIG Ajith Rohana.

The analysis of the accidents that took place in the month of April, reveal that motorcyclists and three wheelers as the worst offenders and or victims.

The other notable feature of these statistics is that Monday has emerged as the day of the week with the highest number of road accidents.

It has also been reported that there are more accidents between 12 noon and 8 pm during the day.

Meanwhile, eight persons have lost their lives due to road accidents that took place island wide during the last 24 hours.

High road crash fatality and injury rates on Sri Lanka’s roads are undermining the economic growth and progress made over the past decade on reducing poverty and boosting prosperity. Estimated annual road crash deaths per capita in Sri Lanka are twice the average rate in high-income countries and fi ve times that of the best performing countries in the world. Available data indicate an average of 38,000 crashes annually which result in around 3,000 fatalities and 8,000 serious injuries. Sri Lanka has the worst road fatality rate
among its immediate neighbors in the South Asia region according to a WB report in 2020. 

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