Park & Ride city bus service commences under President's patronage
The Park and Ride city bus service were launched this morning under the patronage of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
The service was launched at the Makumbura Multipurpose Transport Center in Kottawa as a pilot project to reduce traffic congestion in the Colombo suburbs.
This is a convenient and safe public transport bus service for car and motorcycle passengers, carrying only the number of seats and the fare being double the normal bus fare.
Buses run every 15 minutes from 06:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m. and from 04:00 p.m. to 09:00 p.m., and only run every 25 minutes from 08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.
Accordingly, 64 bus journeys are operated daily, the Presidential Media Unit stated.