Health Ministry introduces alert level system based on spread of COVID-19
The Ministry of Health has introduced a system to announce the current alert level based on the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 in Sri Lanka.
The Director General of Health Services Dr. Asela Gunawardena has signed a document which outlines four alert levels and the restrictions imposed at each level.
The system outlines restrictions applicable to 54 activities.
It has been introduced based on an understanding of public and work settings in Sri Lanka.
The four levels are as follows;
Level 1: Pertains to coronavirus cases detected from returnees from overseas and are placed at quarantine centres, having no links to clusters.
Level 2: Focuses on a situation in which one cluster has been reported and a quarantine curfew has been imposed in one Police Division with functions being restricted, and restrictions are increased in the rest of the country.
Level 3: Pertains to several clusters being detected in various districts and quarantine curfew being imposed in various districts, while restrictions being increased in the rest of the country.
Level 4: This is when a community spread has begun and cases have no links to clusters.
According to the document, public and private sector offices can function with adherence to DREAM at levels 1 and 2.
Meanwhile under level 3 they are required to operate with minimum staff or work from home.
Under level 4 only essential staff will be permitted to operate while others work from home.
Download : Instruction on Alert levels in COVID-19 country and permitted functions