2024/2025 Sripada Pilgrimage Season Begins: Strict Guidelines Issued
The 2024/2025 Sripada pilgrimage season commences today (14) and ends on 13th May, 2025.
The pilgrimage season began early this morning following religious observances at the Sri Pada Maluwa.
A gazette extraordinary has been issued under the authority of the Ratnapura District Secretary Wasantha Gunarathna, outlining guidelines for the pilgrimage.
According to the Gazette extraordinary,
Rest Rooms/ Ambalam
Rest Rooms/Ambalam at Lihinihela, Palabaddala temple, Heramitipana, Andiyamalathenna, Warnagala, Seetagangula, Medahinna, Idikatupana shall be used as lodgings and no temporary lodgings shall be prepared or maintained.
Construction of Buildings
No buildings or lodging or boutique, whether permanent or temporary, shall be constructed during the period from 14th December, 2024 to 13th May, 2025 by any person without the written permission of Ratnapura District Secretary Wasantha Gunarathna or any other authorized officer.
Asking for or receiving alms by beggars and giving or distributing alms to beggars shall be avoided at any place within Sri Pada compound area or Ambalam/Rest Room premises.
Bathing and Washing
Bathing or washing clothes shall be avoided at places except the safe places already identified and declared by the Department of Forest, Central Environment Authority and Local Government Authorities.
Private ventures which are intended to facilitate for bathing and washing clothes shall duly obtain prior written permission.
Vehicles/ Routes
No person shall park or enter vehicles at places except the places reserved by Pradeshiya Sabha or respective Local Government Authority.
The main routes fixed for pilgrimage are Raja Mawatha (Palabaddala route), Hatton Nallathanniya route and Kuruwita rathna route.
Environment and Sanitation
Polythene and plastic shall not be discarded improperly on pilgrims' route or within Sri Pada Compound area or around Rest Rooms or to the environment.
No person shall place bonfire and set fire which may cause any conflagration in Sri Pada Site, by any reason.
Sanitation and garbage disposal during pilgrimage season shall be facilitated by the Local Government Authorities and Provincial Health Services Directorate.
The responsibility of disinfection of the railings along the route shall be assigned to the Local Government Authorities.
Medical Facilities
Prior written permissions of Director of Provincial Health Services and respective ocal Government Authority shall be obtained for the medical treatment/ first-aid centres which are to be undertaken by private ventures.
Marketing and alms-halls
Itinerant selling shall not be allowed within Sri Pada Compound area and Rest Room premises and along the route.
Selling of Pooja items, Pooja trays, food items or other commodities shall not be allowed at any place except the places where permission was granted by me or by any other authorized officer.
Carrying along the pilgrims' route or storing, sale or purchase at boutiques and consuming any liquor, cigarettes,or any other narcotic shall strictly be prohibited.
No person shall establish, maintain any permanent or temporary boutique or do business therin on either side of access roads except at the places already allowed.
Wastebaskets shall be placed in every boutique and building and all garbage shall be deposited therein.
All Processed foods for sale shall be kept with covered so as to protect them from flies.
Alms-halls can be undertaken in conformity to the prevailing health condition and a prior written permission.
Pilgrims shall adhere to proper health guidelines issued from time to time by the Director General of Health, under pandemic situations prevailing in the Country.
Pilgrims shall not be permitted to stay in the Sri Pada Compound and shall leave once worshipped.