Lawyers’ Collective stress on Judicial Independence.

Lawyers’ Collective stress on Judicial Independence.

The Lawyers’ Collective has expressed deep concern over statements made by MPs in reference to the judiciary and the conduct of judges in relation to specific cases pending before the Court.

The Lawyers’ Collective expressed concern over statements made by  Minister Manusha Nanayakkara, MP Sarath Weerasekara, and MP Shanakyan Rasamanikkam with regard to the judiciary, and the judicial officers.

President’s Counsel Rienzie Arsecularatne, President’s Counsel Upul Jayasuriya, President’s Counsel Jayampathy Wickramaratne, President’s Counsel Geoffrey Alagaratnam, President’s Counsel Dinal Phillips and President’s Counsel Saliya Pieris in a statement on behalf of the Lawyers’ Collective note that  the Speaker of the Parliament and the President implied the abridging of the jurisdiction of the judiciary, even prior to the hearing of particular cases. 

They said that threats were also made to bring Judges of Superior Courts before Parliament, ostensibly under the Parliamentary Privileges Act, to question their order relating to the holding of Local Government Elections.

The Lawyers’ Collective said that the spate of events reflects a dangerous and a systemic trend of restraining the ability of the judiciary to discharge its duties in a free and independent manner.

Lawyers’ Collective call upon those in the legal profession to be vigilant as to these imminent threats to the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law as they have a direct impact on the exercise of the profession and its independence. 

They said that the Public too should exercise vigilance and condemn such interferences with the judiciary as such interferences impede democracy and the rights of the people.

The Lawyers’ Collective believes that the judiciary will demonstrate resilience to withstand these pressures for the greater good of this country and her sovereign people whose powers they are exercising in terms of the Constitution.