Mystery surrounds abandoned barge at Bundala National Park.

Mystery surrounds abandoned barge at Bundala National Park.

Mystery surrounds an Indonesian barge that washed up on the shores of the Bundala National Park in the Hambantota District several days ago and has been wallowing in the tide since then.
The barge named Olympic, registered in Sembakung in Indonesia, had washed ashore several days ago near a saltern adjoining the park.
Fishermen in the area told News 1st that the foreign crew of a tugboat which had been trying to pull the barge off the beach, told them that the barge was being towed when the rope had broken. 
The tugboat crew’s efforts had been unsuccessful and the tugboat had then left the area.
The Hambantota Police Station, when contacted by News 1st, said they had no knowledge of the barge.
Fishermen said that the Sri Lanka Navy had posted a guard on the shore for two days. Efforts to contact the Navy spokesman last night were not successful.
Officials of the National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA), and the Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA), also could not be immediately contacted for comment.