Dengue risk likely to increase in the Western Province.

Dengue risk likely to increase in the Western Province.

The National Dengue Control Unit said there is a risk of an increase in the number of dengue cases reported in the Western Province.

Director of the Unit Specialist Dr. Nalin Ariyaratne said intermittent rain and hot weather are favourable conditions for mosquito breeding.

He requested the public to allocate time on Fridays, to clean their surroundings.

Ariyaratne added that mosquito breeding grounds have been commonly found at houses and public places including religious sites.

Nalin Ariyaratne said 52 MOH divisions across the island have been identified as high risk areas for dengue.

55,973 dengue cases have been reported across the country, with nearly 50% of the patients identified from the Western Province.

Dengue cases have also been reported from Kandy, Puttalam, Kurunegala, Kegalle, Ratnapura, Batticaloa and Trincomalee districts.