COVID vaccinations for 18 - 19 age group carried out island-wide from tomorrow
he COVID-19 vaccination program for schoolchildren aged 18 - 19 years is expected to be expanded to all districts from tomorrow (October 21).
Speaking in this regard, Prof. Shaman Rajindrajith of Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians said the inoculation program launched in the Colombo District for the aforesaid age group was successful.
The pilot project to administer the Pfizer vaccine to the students sitting for the G.C.E. Advanced Level examination this year within the Colombo District kicked off on October 15.
The students who are sitting the Advanced Level examination for the first time and second time this year were vaccinated within all educational zones in the district.
Prof. Rajindrajith appealed to the parents to encourage their children to get vaccinated against COVID-19.