Minister of Agriculture Mahindananda Aluthgamage and family quarantined
Minister of Agriculture Mahindananda Aluthgamage has been subject to self quarantine after several members of his team including security forces and drivers tested positive for the coronavirus.
He has posted a note on his Facebook account stating that it has been confirmed that a police officer and two drivers of his security unit have been infected with the virus.
Mahindananda Aluthgamage and his family members had quarantined themselves at home after a security officer confirmed that he had contracted the virus.
Subsequent PCR tests identified two of his drivers also with the virus.
However, the Minister of Agriculture has stated on his Facebook account that the tests have shown that he and nad his family members have not been infected with the virus.
However, he has stated that everyone will be quarantined at home until a second PCR investigation is carried out and the staff of the ministry has also been quarantined since last friday(30).
The Minister has instructed that if any members of his security forces or staff have come into close contact with him since the 27th, they should be subject to self-quarantine.