Air Force deploys drones to combat dengue mosquitoes
The Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) is to deploy drones to combat the spread of dengue in the Western Province.
The SLAF said two drones were officially handed over to Commander of the Air Force, Air Marshal Sudharshana Pathirana today by Western Province Governor SLAF Marshal Roshan Goonetileke.
They were handed over during an event held at the Air Force Headquarters in Colombo today.
The drones will be utilized to conduct aerial operations to detect possible dengue breeding grounds and eradicate dengue mosquitoes.The drones will also be used to detect threats to National security.
The SLAF said the drones will also be used to monitor damage to the environment and deforestation.
Last year, the Air Force together with the Police also deployed drones to detect people violating quarantine laws in the Western Province. (Colombo Gazette)