Here are 5 Food Items to Keep Your Blood Sugar Level in Check
Blood sugar level is a matter of great concern for people with diabetes. Such patients cannot produce enough insulin to keep the sugar level in balance. As a result, glucose can accumulate in the blood.
Though, medication and supplementary insulin can be used by the patient, one can also make sure their sugar levels are in check with the help of diet and lifestyle. Foods that are absorbed slowly by the body are considered the best option to regulate sugar level as they do not cause spikes and dips in blood sugar.
Apart from people with diabetes, it always a good idea to have a healthy diet in order to reduce the chances of future disease.
Here are five foods that help keep blood sugar levels in check:
Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables
When broccoli is chewed, it releases a compound known as Sulforaphane. It is a sulphur-based compound with blood-sugar-reducing properties. The vegetable is also shown to promote insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Additionally, cruciferous vegetables can reduce the risk of developing diabetes as well.
Seeds like flax seeds and pumpkin seeds have been shown to have positive effects on blood sugar regulation. They are rich in antioxidants, fibre, and healthy fats- all of which helps in proper digestion and timely release of sugar into the blood.
Many Indian remedies and even western medicine consider garlic to be almost a cure-all for diabetes. It is known to increase insulin sensitivity and also regulate insulin secretion. It is best when taken raw but can also be used cooked in meals and salads.
Lentils, beans, chickpeas and such are known to have positive glycemic control. They are best consumed as Indian daal form and not in recipes with added sugar, says a report.
Glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how a certain food affects blood sugar levels. Lower the GI, better the food for sugar and diabetes control. Oats have a GI score of 55 or lower, making them a near-perfect choice for those seeking to control their blood sugar levels. Just avoid sweetened or ready-to-eat flavoured oats as they have additives that may negatively impact your health.