Six Pakistan cricket team members test positive for COVID-19
Six members of the Pakistan men’s cricket team have tested positive for COVID-19 at their managed isolation facility at the Chateau on the Park in Christchurch.
The New Zealand Health Ministry said fifty-three members of the squad arrived in Christchurch on 24 November and were tested on day 1. These cases are the results of those tests. All team members returned a negative COVID-19 test and passed a symptom check before departing Lahore.
The Ministry said all cases are being moved to quarantine rooms within the facility. Members of the team will be tested a minimum of four times while in managed isolation.
As a result of these positive tests, members of the team will not be able to leave the facility to train. Any training is conditional on a public health assessment, so at this time, no training will be able to take place.
The Medical Officer of Health at Canterbury District Health Board has sent a letter to the squad’s management to be communicated to the whole team, reinforcing that all team members are required to stay in their rooms until advised otherwise, the New Zealand Health Ministry added.