Empowering Take-Off – Efficient Government and Progressive State Enterprises, taken up at Sri Lanka Economic Summit 2020
The upcoming Sri Lanka Economic Virtual Summit 2020, is prepared to host a lineup of contemporary dialogues under this year’s theme ‘Roadmap for Take-Off: Driving a People-Centric Economic Revival’. Day Two of the event will commence with a session dedicated towards a focal topic on “Efficient Government and Progressive State Enterprises”.
This session will emphasise on the role that the government and its institutions/enterprises will need to play in driving the economic recovery. The session would also explore how the public sector should re-orient itself to fulfil the policy objectives and the needs of the public. Under its first component of ‘Efficient Government’, the focus will be on institutionalizing mechanisms within Government to ensure that all available resources are directed towards achieving desired development results. In the second element of ‘Progressive State Enterprises’, the spotlight will fall on improving efficiency of state owned enterprises (SOEs) in terms of quality and service delivery particularly in public services that feed into other sectors of the economy. Alternate approaches to strengthening corporate governance and performance management practices in this sector will also be examined.
The presenters at this plenary will feature international speaker, Tan Sri Dato’ Azman Mokhtar - former Managing Director of Khazanah Nasional Berhad, Mr Sajith Attygalle - Secretary to the Treasury and the Ministry of Finance, Ms Dhara Wijayatilake - Chairperson, Office for Reparations, Former Ministry Secretary and former Secretary General & CEO, The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Dr Roshan Perera - Independent Consultant and former Director, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Mr Dumith Fernando - Chairman, The Colombo Stock Exchange and Dr Malathy Knight - Research Associate, Verité Research (Pvt) Ltd. The session will be moderated by Mr Manjula de Silva - Secretary General & CEO, The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.
Participants have the opportunity to register for the entire two-day summit or choose the sessions of their choice. The Chamber looks forward to delivering a unique, digitally transformed experience to all participants this year. Registrations for the event are now open. For further information, please contact Niroshini on niroshini@chamber.lk or 0115588852; or Alikie on alikie@chamber.lk or 0115588805.