Quarantine curfew violation: 179 persons, 29 vehicles in custody in past 24 hours
The Police have taken 179 persons and 29 vehicles into custody in relation to the violation of the quarantine curfew within the last 24 hours, Police Media Spokesperson DIG Ajith Rohana yesterday (02) said.
Speaking to media DIG Ajith Rohana stated that, “The Quarantine curfew is being implemented in the Western province and Eheliyagoda and Kuliyapitiya police areas and the city limit of Kurunegala. We have arrested 1,812 persons in connection with the violation of quarantine curfew since October 4, 2020 up to date. We have also taken 282 vehicles into police custody within the same period. We have arrested 179 persons and taken 29 vehicles into Police custody within the last 24 hours in violation of the quarantine curfew.”
DIG Ajith Rohana also said that quarantine curfew is not applicable to the A/L students, examiners and other persons providing their service to carry out the A/L examination including transport.
DIG Ajith Rohana also stated that, “As per the gazette notification issued on October 15, 2020 by the Health Minister there are two health regulation concepts embodied in it. One is wearing the facemask and the other is social distancing.
We gave people a grace period of two weeks, and then we initiated operations in the areas where the curfew is implemented and in some areas which are more vulnerable. Accordingly we arrested 70 suspects from October 30 up to date, in violation of these two concepts. Within the last 24 hours we have arrested nine persons for violating facemask and social distancing concepts. We are going to file charges against these persons and if found guilty the court would impose Rs. 10,000 fine and rigorous imprisonment to the wrongdoers.”
Speaking further the DIG said, “All the exit and entry points of Western province are manned by the police and the roadblocks are conducted. All the vehicles leaving and entering the Western Province are checked and the details of drivers and passengers are recorded. No one is permitted to leave or enter the Western province except for members of essential services. Individual curfew permits are not issued unless it is an absolute requirement such as a funeral of a very close relative. Therefore we would like to request those who live in areas where the quarantine curfew is implemented to adhere to the rules and regulations. If family or friends are undergoing a quarantine process, please do not visit them.”