Farmers Urged to Report Crop Damage from Recent Heavy Rainfall Before Tomorrow
The Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board has informed farmers that they should report any crop damage that was resulted by the recent heavy rainfall experienced in the country, before tomorrow.
The area of cultivation lands considered to have been damaged due to the heavy rains exceeds 390,000 acres.
Experts predict that the harvest of the Maha season may be reduced by approximately 10% due to this.
Crops in the districts of Ampara, Monaragala, Batticaloa, Trincomalee, Anuradhapura, and Polonnaruwa have been damaged, with the most significant impact being on paddy cultivations in the Ampara and Batticaloa districts.
The Chairman of the Agricultural and Agrarian Insurance Board, Premasiri Jasinha Arachchi said that officials have already begun assessing the damage on the affected cultivation lands.
The government had previously stated that it would pay Rs. 100,000 per hectare for fully damaged cultivation lands.
The government has currently allocated a total of Rs. 1 billion to compensate for the total crop damage.