Sri Lankan Youth Trapped in Myanmar Cyberhell Cry for Rescue
Desperate pleas from families echo through the nation as 56 Sri Lankan youth remain trapped in a harrowing ordeal – held captive in cybercrime camps run by terrorist groups in remote Myanmar.
Lured by promises of IT jobs in Thailand, these young people now face forced labor, abuse, and psychological trauma under the control of Chinese underworld groups and local terrorist organizations.
Today (29), distraught parents visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, urging immediate intervention to secure their children's release.
"The pressure is mounting," pleaded the father of one captive youth. "Our children are mentally broken, subjected to escalating torture and inhumane conditions. We beg the government to send a delegation and bring them home."
News 1st, has followed this story for two months, and received a chilling update from a young woman trapped in the camps.
She described forced labor for up to 18 hours daily, with sleep deprivation, brutal punishments, and electrocution for even minor infractions. The account paints a horrifying picture of physical and psychological abuse, hunger, and isolation.
"There are times that we are forced to keep standing until our work is done. They force us to work while standing. If we don't work even for a second while standing or if we fall asleep, they electrocute us, repeatedly. They are merciless, and place active electricity wires on to the chest. It is unbearable, and those who go through that, scream in agony. It is like slaughtering an animal, that is the pain we feel. The fake army comes and beats up people mercilessly, and chains them up and puts them in jail. They hang our colleagues by their hands and beat them up inside those jails. The beat us for days, and even electrocute us. They keep us in hunger, and deny us even basic sanitation facilities. We are forced to wear the same clothes. All of us have lost courage. Young girls are taken away to jails. Once they return, they are totally different. They cannot even speak a word properly. After they are taken to the jails, they are sexually abused. When we ask them what happened, they do not tell us anything, because they are ashamed of that happened. How do you expect us to be patient like this? We pray that you will rescue us," she detailed to News 1st.
While the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry assures ongoing diplomatic efforts and cooperation with Myanmar authorities, the desperate pleas and firsthand testimonies raise urgent concerns.