Spoiled Seed Potatoes in Jaffna: Replacement Stock Promised by Importer..!

Spoiled Seed Potatoes in Jaffna: Replacement Stock Promised by Importer..!

Farmers in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, who lost out on crucial seed potatoes due to spoilage are set to receive a replacement stock free of charge, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. 

The ministry confirmed that the private company responsible for the initial import has agreed to supply new potatoes at no additional cost to compensate for the damaged batch.

The original 20 metric tons of seed potatoes, imported from Australia under World Bank support, were valued at approximately 10 million rupees. 

They were intended for distribution amongst potato growers in Jaffna but had to be destroyed after being compromised by water damage sustained during recent heavy rains in the region.

Officials from the Ministry identified water seepage into the storage facility in Kuppaveli as the primary cause of the potato spoilage.

The Ministry of Agriculture stated that the new batch of seed potatoes will be secured and will be readily distributed upon arrival in Sri Lanka.