Health Ministry launches full investigation into death of patient at NHSL.

Health Ministry launches full investigation into death of patient at NHSL.

The Ministry of Health has decided to conduct a full investigation into the recent death of a patient at the National Hospital in Colombo after being administered an antibiotic.

A special discussion on the matter was held *on Monday (28)* at the Ministry of Health, *Deputy Director General of Health Services Dr. G Wijesuriya said.*

The Minister of Health, Secretary of Health, Director General of Health Services, Deputy Director General of Medical Supplies Division, Chairman of the National Medicines Regulatory Authority,  and the Director General of Health Services joined in that discussion.

A decision was reached to send samples of the patient's blood membranes and other materials overseas for a report on his chemical composition, *he said.*

The cause of this death was an infection caused due to the antibiotic, and the post-mortem examination had raised concerns about it, *Dr. G. Wijesuriya however added.* 

The 50-year-old man who died was admitted to the National Hospital in Colombo for treatment for a cut wound.

Meanwhile, the use of the antibiotic administered to the patient called Co-Amoxiclav has been temporarily suspended.