Gammanpila proposes new system to elect President without Presidential Election

Gammanpila proposes new system to elect President without Presidential Election

The Pivithuru Hela Urumaya has issued a 13 point proposal to be included in the new constitution. Among the proposals is an official name change to the country from “Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka” to “Republic of Sri Lanka”

Below are some other key highlights of the Proposals issues by the PHU, led by minister Udaya Gammanpila.

• Buddhism to made ‘State Religion’

• Continuation of the Executive Presidency and discontinuation of the presidential election. President to be selected from Parliament based on the results of the parliamentary election.

• Changes to Provincial Council system, including discontinuing Provincial Council elections and Provincial Council members to be elected by Local Government Representatives.

• Consider dual citizenship as a ‘privilege’ and not as a ‘right’. Calls for laws preventing dual citizens becoming public representatives and taking up other important positions as Judges, Ambassadors, Heads of public enterprises etc.