Proposals by the Election Commission for provisions in the constitution
The Election Commission proposes Provincial Councils and Local Government elections to be included in the Constitution.
The Election Commission met yesterday and decided to submit several proposals to the committee appointed to amend the Constitution.
Accordingly, they propose that the right of the citizen to vote should be directly enshrined in the Constitution as a fundamental right.
The constitution currently only includes the presidential election, the parliamentary election and the referendum.
Therefore, the Elections Commission proposes to include provincial council and local government elections in to the list.
It also proposes that the contesting candidate submit a statement to the Commission within 30 days of the release of the election results, including his or her expenditure and sources of income for the election.
In a referendum, there is currently only one query possible on a specific issue.
Accordingly, the Election Commission proposes to amend the provisions of the Act to enable the public to obtain views on several matter or functions in a referendum.
In addition, the Elections Commission intends to submit to the Constitutional Amendment Committee a number of proposals regarding offenses committed by Members of Parliament, Parliamentary seats, National List seats and the representation of youth and women.