Sri Lanka COVID vaccination: '54% ready to accept vaccine'
The Behaviour Research Unit of the Health Promotion Bureau has conducted a Public Perception Survey Report on the vaccine against COVID-19.
The group sample which included 895 included 99.3% of persons who were never infected with COVID-19 as confirmed by a PCR test conducted beforehand. The group also included 27% of healthcare workers.
If offered, 54% of the group noted that they will get vaccinated, while 38% remain conflicted over the decision.
Among the health care workers, 57.4% recorded positive responses noting that they are willing to get vaccinated. Of the persons who had known an associate who was infected with COVID-19, 53% were accepting of a vaccine, while 55% of the persons who did not have any associates infected with COVID-19 were accepting of the vaccine.
According to the survey conducted the majority of the public were ‘very concerned’ about the vaccine brand, side effects and allergies and duration of protection. Affordability had the least ‘very concerned’ proportion.
Furthermore, as per the respondents ‘more details of vaccination to analyze’, 'opinion of the family doctor’ and ‘advice of the area public health workers’ were the most helpful and very helpful cue to action.
The full survey can be accessed here.