Committee to be appointed to identify legal provisions related to Maritime Law
The Cabinet of Ministers has given the nod to appoint a committee to identify the legal provisions related to the Maritime Law in line with the International and Domestic requirements.
Department of Government Information says the need to develop legal infrastructure in line with the international conventions has been identified, taking into account the international requirements in the formulation of domestic laws and the ratification of international agreements when promoting Sri Lanka as a maritime hub considering Sri Lanka’s strategic location in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
Earlier, a committee to study on the said fields was appointed with the participation of former Supreme Court Judge P.A. Rathnayaka, PC and no further action was taken on the recommendations made by the said panel.
The need to introduce new laws has been confirmed in view of the recent damage caused by the MT New Diamond and the MV Express Pearl vessels in Sri Lankan waters, the department said further.
Accordingly, the Cabinet of Ministers has approved the resolution tabled by the Minister of Ports and Naval and the Minister of Justice to appoint a committee consisting of representatives of the institutions under the chairmanship of Chandana Jayasundera, PC to identify new laws that need to be introduced or to amend existing laws and to submit a report with recommendations in that regard based on the report submitted by the previously appointed committee that chaired by P.A Rathnayake PC.