Balaya: Debate between Energy Minister & Trade Union activists today

Balaya: Debate between Energy Minister & Trade Union activists today

Energy Minister Udaya Gammanpila recently challenged the Petroleum Trade Union activists to come to an open debate on the crisis situation regarding the oil tank complex in Trincomalee.

The Minister said that he would support the fight to save the oil tanks in the Trincomalee tank farm complex from being sold if the trade union activists can prove that it was not handed over to India as alleged by the trade union activists.

Accepting the Minister's challenge, Bandula Saman, President of the Petroleum Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ashoka Ranwala, President of the Petroleum Trade Union and Ananda Palitha, Convener of the Petroleum Trade Union agreed to have an open dialogue with the Minister.

Accordingly, the debate will be telecast on Hiru TV 'Balaya' programme today (14) at 10:30 p.m.