12-hour water cut in several areas in Minneriya, Hingurakgoda tomorrow

12-hour water cut in several areas in Minneriya, Hingurakgoda tomorrow

The water supply to Minneriya - Minneriya town, Rotawewa, Rajaela, Muwanpelessa, Rajaelagama, Puranagama, Minihirigama, C.P.Pura and Batuoya areas will be suspended for 12 hours tomorrow (16) due to urgent maintenance work.

The National Water Supply and Drainage Board stated that the water supply to Kotelawala, Giritale, Samagipura, Agbopura, Bubula, Bathgampattuwa, Ratmale and Giritale will be suspended from 09:00 a.m. tomorrow (16)

The water supply to Hingurakgoda, Paluwewa, Doradeka, Samapura, Kimbulawala, Gam Udawa, Hatamuna, Bogashandiya, Jayapura and Kumaragama will also be suspended.

The water supply to Bandiwewa, Sarana Sirigama, Yaya 4, Yaya 3, Malakapura, Nikawewa, Sudukanda and Thambalawewa areas will also be suspended during the same period