Health minister test positive for covid?
Unconfirmed reports state that Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi has tested positive for COVID19.
This was based on a rapid antigen test conducted.
However, the minister who was subject to a PCR test is awaiting results.
False negative results tend to occur more often with antigen tests than with molecular tests.
This is why antigen tests are not favored as a single test for active infection.
There has been no official statement made regarding the test results at present.
No official announcement has been made regarding the health condition of the Minister as well.
Meanwhile, the BBC Sinhala news has reported stating that Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi has tested COVID19 positive following rapid antigen test and awaiting PCR results.
Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi was reported to have taken the Dhammika syrup. If she is tested positive for covid through the PCR test she will join several others in the political fraternity who have taken the syrup and ended positive for the virus.
It has been observed that the public is still going after the syrup in spite of regular warnings issued by those in the health sector stating very clearly that this syrup is not confirmed or accepted as a cure for covid or a vaccine against covid.