SJB reveals position on 13th amendment & foreign judges

SJB reveals position on 13th amendment & foreign judges

The Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) said that it backs the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in its current form.

Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa told Parliament yesterday that the SJB stands for a united country where all communities can live in peace.

He urged the Government to listen to the concerns of the people in the North and East.
Premadasa also called for the implementation of the recommendations of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), which was appointed by Mahinda Rajapaksa when he was President.

He claimed that the Government lost the vote on the resolution at the UN Human Rights Council as a consequence to promoting extremism in the country.

The Opposition Leader, however, said that the SJB does not endorse interference into Sri Lanka’s domestic affairs.

He also said that the SJB opposes appointing foreign judges in Sri Lanka.

“We do not need advise from foreign countries,” he said.

Premadasa said that Sri Lanka can address its own issues through a domestic mechanism.

However, he asserted that the domestic mechanism must be acceptable to the international community.

The Opposition Leader also said that the SJB does not endorse all the actions taken by the former Government.

He also offered to work with the Government to ensure another resolution on Sri Lanka is not tabled at the UN Human Rights Council