5 Reasons You Need Sunscreens During the Winter Season

5 Reasons You Need Sunscreens During the Winter Season

You may not know this but the ozone layer is at its thinnest during winter. This invariably means that the ozone layer will absorb less ultraviolet (UV) rays during this season and your risk of UV exposure will increase substantially. A sunscreen with high SPF is, therefore, your best bet against UV exposure during winter.

2. Harsh winds and low moisture


The reason most people tend to have dry skin during winters is that there’s low moisture in the atmosphere and the cold winter winds are harsh. This drains the moisture off your skin, increasing the risk of wrinkles, cracks and infections. Using a moisturizing sunscreen is a good way to restore the moisture levels of your skin.

3. Cancer risks don’t go down in winter


Winter might mean less sunlight but sun damage can still occur. Exposure to UV rays is much higher during winter, which increases the risks of sunburns, spots and therefore might increase the chances of skin cancer too. UV exposure is specifically linked to melanoma, which is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Putting on a thick layer of sunscreen can reduce these risks substantially.

4. Sunscreen wears off faster during winters


You might think sweating makes sunscreen last for less time during summer, but this problem persists during winter too. Winter winds and sudden rains can easily degrade the layer of sunscreen you applied in the morning and the lack of moisture in the air also makes your skin feel drier. This calls for repeated application of sunscreen during winter days too.

5. Indoor lights also cause UV exposure

There might be less sunlight during winter, which calls of greater use of electric lights. But did you know that ambient, blue and infrared lights also emit UV rays? Increased exposure to UV rays can also cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. It is therefore important to apply a layer of sunscreen even if you’re indoors during the winter season.

For more information, read our article on What to apply on the skin during winters.

Health articles on News18 are written by myUpchar.com, India’s first and biggest resource for verified medical information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to bring you information on all things health.



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